Todays Leg Workout


So it’s been a little while since i posted anything about my current training split, recently i’ve been slowly reverse dieting my way out of a cut and bringing my calories back up to maintenance. I’ve been feeling and looker fuller and its translating into my workouts. That being said, today was a leg session that went fairly well, its structured in a way that i focus on heavy, strength based compound movements to begin with and the latter half of the workout focuses on Hypertrophy and Isolation accessory work.


Back Squats 

I warmed up with a few sets using the bar, then 60 KG to get moving and warm, i then went into my working sets.

100 KG 5 sets of 5

120 KG 5 sets of 3

140 KG 5 single reps

Goblet Squats

These are really useful for helping with your form in conventional squatting as well as mobility and taking out your posterior chain, meaning you will feel it more in your quads and hamstrings.

40 KG Dumbbell 3 Sets of 12

Leg Press

Bog standard here, every gym has one and they are a great heavy mover, drop set the last set to a weight that you can move comfortably but slow the movement right down and go to failure.

190 KG 4 Sets of 10 into 100 KG Drop Set

Leg Curl

As with before, on these isolation movements i really like to include a drop set at the end. After the final set drop the weight down again and rep out some slow and controlled reps really feeling the squeeze and slowing the eccentric portion of the exercise.

65 KG 3 Sets of 10 into 30 KG Drop Set

Leg Extension

65 KG 3 Sets of 10 into 40 KG Drop Set

Calf Raises

Its important not to neglect your calfs, i use the leg press machine to target mine hanging my heels off the bottom of the pad, pushing with the balls of your feet. I also add calf raises into my arm workouts at the end just to hit them a little more frequently as they are a tricky muscle to grow.

190 KG 4 Sets of 15 into 100 KG Drop Set

With calf raises, sometimes i’ll perform 3 one minute cluster sets in which you set a weight thats about 60%-70% of what you working sets would be, time one minute and rep out until the minute is done without rest, take a break then repeat for 3 sets.


And thats how my leg workout looks at the moment, the days after aren’t too much fun and stairs are the mortal enemy but it is definitely effective for me! If you give the workout a go let me know how you get on or let me know how you chose to work your legs! Happy grinding