Chocolate Banana & Peanut Butter Protein Fudge


Another super quick and easy recipe here that can help those cravings to get you through the summer still looking cut! Most people love a good bit of Fudge but will all the cream, sugar and other ingredients that are going to blow up your macros its a no go! not with this recipe however, its super simple and you will only need a few ingredients.


Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset


What You Need

50g Chocolate Whey Protein Powder

1 Medium Ripe Banana

115g Peanut Butter

15g Coco Powder

80ml Almond Milk



  • You need to add all of the ingredients bar the Almond Milk into a food processor and blend, adding the almond milk slowly bit by bit un till you have a thick but smooth almost sludge like texture.
  • Scoop into a tray, the thicker you want it use a smaller tray
  • Put it into the freezer for a couple of hours un till its set solid
  • When your ready to eat it, leave it to sit for a couple of minutes and warm up slightly, then cut and serve!


Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset


Nutritional Information (per piece, batch cut into 15 pieces)

Calories : 71

Fats : 4 Grams

Protein : 5.3 Grams

Carbohydrates : 3 Grams


Extra shout out to my other half with whom i made this, she also blogs and you can find her here