Healthy MyProtein Brownies


Whats up guys, some of you might have seen my Instagram photo a few days ago for my low fat and carb protein brownies, obviously i’m slightly biased in saying so but they were amazing! there’s tons of variations of protein brownie recipes out there but this one genuinely tastes pretty close to the real deal and will at the very least satisfy any cravings you might have and the best part, you can eat more than one without worrying!





1 Can Libby’s Pumpkin Puree

1 1/2 tbsp 100% Peanut Butter

3/4 Cup Cocoa Powder

5 Medjool Dates

2 tsp’s Stevia

2 Servings MyProtein Impact Whey (i used vanilla)

1/2 Cup Egg Whites

1/2 Cup Almond Milk

40g Walnut Halves (Optional)



1) Add all of the ingredients apart from the walnut halves into a blender and blitz it all together un till its a nice smooth consistency with no lumps, it should be nice and thick but still runny.

2) Once it’s all blitzed together and still in the blender, add in the walnut halves and fold into the mix with a spatula or other similar utensil

3) Bake in the oven at 170 C for about 30-45 minutes depending on your oven, take them out and stick a knife into them, if it comes out almost clean then there ready, you don’t want them overdone they should still be nice and gooey!

4) Leave them to chill for half an hour to an hour and they are ready to go, they are good warmed up with some fruit but they are just as good cold! I’ve been using them as a pretty effective pre workout snack to get some quick carbs and protein in.


Obviously you can add whatever you want into the mix, you don’t have to use walnuts and you can add chocolate to the top, cherry’s or frosting, do it however you like it you’ll just have to re adjust the macros. Using the amount of ingredients listed above i made 2 medium sized trays and cut them up to make 12 brownies.


Macros Per Brownie

Calories : 108

Carbs : 9

Fat : 5

Protein : 6


Hope you enjoy the recipe and be sure to share any of yours with the BT Fitness Facebook page and @bradthurston on Instagram!